narrative illustration

I love the power of illustration to convey rich narrative and symbolic content. One of my great passions is the intersection of art and ideas. A beautiful illustration has the ability to both immediately capture the eye and the imagination, as well as inspire deep thought into the often multi-layered meaning of its composition, symbolism and content. At the same time, the content of some narrative illustration is contained in the image itself, and is designe simply to inspire, A single image can appeal to young and old alike, and provide engagement for both the mind and the heart. Below are a series of illustrations from a variety of applications. Enjoy!

Jonah at Dock-01.png

at dock

Narrative Illustration-01.png

in the grove

Narrative Illustration-03.png

the fall of man

Illustration Portfolio Files for Web copy-42.png

Saint george


Narrative Illustration-02.png

going home

Narrative Illustration-04.png

with the wind

Death of Arthur-01.png

the death of arthur

Illustration Portfolio Files for Web copy-44.png

the adventurer

This composition was inspired by my own children, and the richness of childhood imaginary play. Some of the most inspiring art comes from a place of child-like wonder, that sees beauty in the ordinary and beholds a world full of hope and possibility.